Sunday, February 14, 2010

TOP 20 Plasticity!

just a quick thought. assuming many cities have fallen into desolation, they are not able to shift into the gear which have driven modern technology and the modern notion of travel. So what happens, they become dilapidated and discarded by human engagement. They are lucky enough to be notice at the speed of modern travel which accelerates by but inquire more time if expected to pierce the consciousness. They are not able to accommodate for the changes which occurs around them.
The insides of the architecture may support its function if the exterior is able to draw in the crowd.
Maybe a modern coating.... something poetically condensing, abstracting, and bringing acknowledgment needed to engage the traveler.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Within the voids of place, one is able to differentiate place by the absence of understood place. One acknowledges and communicates back to place.... participation on the level of directed perception is thus elicited but not forced. One is given the opportunity to participate and within the intent to participate with place, one is able to establish a sense of place.

The equation for communication

I had an idea for the next film, perhaps you may have a thought on it.

For the next film (concept), I decided to be more precise and construct the storyboard to figure and organize my thoughts which I had not done before. I felt you were right that the site is necessary to identify as part of my process which led to the bigger idea. So from that idea, I thought I may utilize the environment of the site (the land mass and bridge between tampa and st. petersburg)\ to represent the concept proposal. So I am substituting all these components of communication which includes the line of communication and the person/object which those lines are communicated between and substituting them with the existing context of the site. The land mass of Tampa and St. Petersburg will act as the communicator and the bridge is the line of communication, communicating movement across. so where the first movie is about the physical lines of communication between people (telephone poles and lines), the second movie will be about the lines of communication between place.

So as the land mass represent the communicator and the bridge, the communication, opportunity for interception by the third person who passes through is then made possible within the betweenness of place. Interception/participation of the communication occurs when one is able to realize that they are not here or there but in between and in which being between allows one to reflect from afar. So now the various moments within the experience of place is collectively generated to be a single iconic image... perhaps this is in turn a communication on the part of the perceiver back into place.

I guess this is still all obtuse but i think if I use the equation of the communicator and the resulting communication represented in the experience of the site then this idea of being able to intercept and participate by acknowledging can lend to a system for designing a final proposal.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Recent Forums Comments


01/05/10 14:34
A thesis question:
My thesis is utilizing film to explore a specific topic in architecture. I have related the driving experience to the film experience in that both experiences to some degree immobilizes the participant to a specific means of seeing and being.

As driving positions the image of place within flux and fluidity, the only means of understanding and grasping the true essence of place is acquired when one is able to stabilize these images of flux to become a concrete thought within the mind.

Perhaps there must be an introduction of series of planes, folds, and architectural elements which will provide the experience for moments of punctuation and individuality. Within these moments of punctuation, the experience of driving will be forced into specific parts in which the singularity and individuality of these parts may arise from repetition.

The problem is that we are put within the driving experience in which everything that is seen is place within repetition... a light post that is seen is not known as a single piece within a collective whole but rather the collective whole is understood to be a single piece. The individuality of the light post is omitted and instead assumes the role of the collective whole. These moments that are singular must surface amongst the consciousness and become recognized as something of its own. Similarly, our city and place becomes lost of our knowing and thus does not arise to build upon our sense of place, furthermore leading to our crisis of place.

As the experience of driving is not exclusive to just me, I open the conversation to everyone who may have an opinion or thought about this... if there is any reply I will continue to discuss the thesis further.

A am creating a film to explain and explore my thesis better, a snippet of it may be seen here.


01/05/10 15:09
...and architects complain about the disconnect between our profession and the general public's understanding of what we do!

Just watched the video, and I'm not sure how this helps to 'communicate architecture'. I don't know that I agree with the premise that our roadways vaporize our experience of everything between the departure and arrival points, and it's going to take more than odd perspective shots to convince me otherwise. Interestingly, once you primed me about the lamppost thing I noticed that they all tend to appear individually, and even though they also appear repetitively the rhythm had me going "lamppost... lamppost... lamppost" in my head. It seemed like the film accentuated, not diminished, their individuality.

That being said*, your film to date is very compelling visually, and the fact you're using all still images is badass. I'm sure you're on a path to woo the pants off a jury.

*anyone see the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode about people using "that being said" and what it really means?

01/05/10 16:52
you have a very valid point... the video does not communicate architeture nor does it (at least to the extent that i want it to) express the true problem I am trying to convey because for the most part the video just isn't done or even remotely close to where it needs to be.

I also would say that road ways do not completely "vaporize our experience of everything between departure and arrival," but rather that the experience of being contained within an automobile, framed by its interior, being expose to the context that is immediately in front (the repitition of the light post and the never changing road), relying mainly on the perceptual senses, as well as being elevated from the immediate tangible grounds of place, works to only dilute and make the journey vague. The journey between travel is missing of the communication and participation of its participant to fully grasp the essence of place.

I would think that if one would to walk the distance they drive everyday, they may grasp a better understanding of place. These experiences forces the engagement of all senses aside from what is simply perceived. The experiences are also grounded in the stability (in the sense that there environment is not in constant flux) rather than the fluid organic image seen in driving as city and objects drift by.

you did bring up a good point about "lamppost... lamppost... lamppost" ....

I enjoyed your comment. thank you.


01/05/10 17:00
this is perfect! wow thank you.... I have been looking for a compeititon to submit to for awhile ... and finally a competition that i don't find out a week prior to the deadline.

01/05/10 17:40
Just had another thought, in also replying to RealLifeLEED comment about "lamppost... lamppost... lamppost."

The comment only further reaffirms the point that in driving because we are so used to seeing ""lamppost... lamppost... lamppost," whatever is unique about one individual lamp post is diminished by the shear repetitive nature of them all, our attention now is displaced, away from these lamp post as we assume there roles to never change and because they never change, our focus and attention is place on those things that do change. The individuality thus is lost in the transition of our attention.

This occurs often in our city when we are displaced from the immediate grounds and elevated within vehicular infrastructures, the details of an architecture, of a city, is generalized.... after awhile one brick building begins to look like every other because we are not there, in that brick building, to decipher the difference, to understand the details. In such case the individuality of a city, the sense of place establish from these specific details, becomes lost.

So the film is a goal to subjectively capture these specific objects by cropping everything else out, to give them a focus much like the eventual architectural implication aims to do to a city. And though these objects occur in repetition, there is yet still something specific about each one of these light post as they pass by.... possibly because the light post is singled out from its environment, leaving our attention to specifically notice it.

An idea for an architectural implication is perhaps to single out everything so that what is left is the essence of place. The speed of a moving vehicle causes the environment to constantly shift outside the frame of our perception. Thus driving does not allow one to take notice of everything so what if we were made to only notice one thing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Damn this is great.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Telephone Exchange Buildings

we must communicate and to communicate, to participate in dialogue, to do this means to return to the primitive means of communcation.

Notes While in Chicago

...point in which communication is either disparsed or concentrating into a collective whole through an attempt to reach the other side.

...advertising activities, experiences, which rises above the perceived image of sameness.
I have been imagining these architectural pieces not originating from the earth but plugged in and lightly touching the earth; concentrating as the building moves up in height. They reflect something that cannot be built from current condition but on top of it. The problem of passing through is unchangeable without drastic measures, without a violent architecture to act against the pressure of movement. Their structures touches the ground where it looks to funnel in communication, while the peak acts to redirect and send our line of communication over and across. The physical manifestation of communication is made to be acknowledged and accessible to the third party who often passes through. Upon acknowledgment, the third party may enter into dialogue, communicating and thus participating to his city, the city that have been broken into halves by accelerated movement.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Concept Perspective

heres a quick rendering i did a little time ago ... it shows the two telephone exchange towers .. each of its legs are tapered inward as a means of carrying inward the various lines of communication; to reroute and communicate over the highway.

of course there will be more but right now, it just represents the bare concept.