Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Imagining an Image Architecture"

- You might need to define what "context" means in the context of your paper; is this at a certain site? is it set within a particular building? is there a cultural context? without these referents, your abstract seems overly vague
- I am unsure of the word "Superimposing" in your title. From the previous paragraph in your abstract, it does not seem that superimposing is your aim. Perhaps 'integrating' is an alternative? Imagining, Creating, Desiging. Superimpose carries the connotation of forcing something or covering something else up. Which seems at odds with your stated goal of 'bringing emphasis and importance to the overall context.'
- this sounds like this will develop as a personal as well as academic exploration. I am intrigued.


I really like the word "Imagining" alot. Maybe "Imagining an Image Architecture." I feel this talks less about framing and preserving memory and context, as I am trying to stay away from talking about a site that needs to be framed as if it was an artifact, and more about remembering context in order to reengage the inhabitant within his setting. I also feel the word "Image" comes with alot of conotation (maybe especially put against architecture) of something that is captured and meant to be seen a certain way and "Imagining" seems to contrast that, perhaps bringing more to the idea that thoughts and memories conjured up by the experience are not exclusive to a set of predetermined rules but rather meant to be explored as personal and individualized experiences.

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